
These texts reflect the scholarship, art, and activism that have built critical femininities and informed our theme for the 2024 conference. Let us know if you would like to add to our generative bibliography!

Athelstan, Alexa. “Queer Feminine Affect Aliens: The Situated Politics of Righteous Femme Anger at Racism and Ableism.” Feral Feminisms 1, no. 3 (2015): 90–205.

Bardwell-Jones, Celia T. 2021. ‘Feminist-Pragmatist Reflections on the Filial Obligations of a Filipina American Daughter’. Hypatia 36 (2): 384–90.

Bornstein, Kate, and S. Bear Bergman. Gender outlaws: The next generation. Seal Press, 2010.

Braidotti, Rosi. "Affirmative ethics and generative life." Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13.4 (2019): 463-481.

Brightwell, Laura, and Allison Taylor. "Why femme stories matter: Constructing femme theory through historical femme life writing." Journal of Lesbian Studies 25, no. 1 (2021): 18-35.

Commane, Gemma. Bad girls, dirty bodies: sex, performance, and safe femininity. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020.

Dahl, Ulrika. "White gloves, feminist fists: Race, nation and the feeling of ‘vintage 'in femme movements." Gender, Place & Culture 21, no. 5 (2014): 604-621.

de Finney, Sandrina. 2017. ‘Indigenous Girls’ Resilience in Settler States: Honouring Body and Land Sovereignty.’ Agenda (Durban) 31 (2): 10–21.

Driver, Susan. “‘My Mother Liked to Fuck’: Reading Joan Nestle’s Queer Desire for Maternal Desire.” Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, November 23, 1999.

Eguchi, Shinsuke, and Hannah R. Long. "Queer relationality as family: Yas fats! Yas femmes! Yas Asians!." Journal of Homosexuality (2018).

Erik-Soussi, Magda. "The western Sailor Moon generation: North American women and feminine-friendly global manga." In Global Manga, pp. 23-44. Routledge, 2016.

Gailey, Jeannine A. “Undesirably Different: Hyper(in)Visibility and the Gendered Fat Body.” Essay. In The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies, edited by Amy Erdman Farrell, 19–29. Routledge, 2023.

Griggers, Cathy. "Thelma and Louise and the cultural generation of the new butch-femme." Film theory goes to the movies (2012): 129-141.

Harris, L., & Crocker, E. (2013). Femme: feminists, lesbians, and bad girls. Routledge.

Hemmings, Clare. Why Stories Matter: The Political Grammar of Feminist Theory. Next Wave. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.

Hasso, Frances S. "Feminist generations? The long-term impact of social movement involvement on Palestinian women’s lives." American Journal of Sociology 107.3 (2001): 586-611.

Kafai, Shayda. Crip kinship: The disability justice and art activism of Sins Invalid. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2021.

Kehily, Mary Jane. "Taking centre stage? Girlhood and the contradictions of femininity across three generations." Girlhood Studies 1, no. 2 (2008): 51-71.

Keller, Jessalynn, Jo Littler, and Alison Winch, eds. An Intergenerational Feminist Media Studies: Conflicts and Connectivities. Routledge, 2019.

Khubchandani, Kareem. "Critical aunty studies: an auntroduction." Text and Performance Quarterly 42, no. 3 (2022): 221-245.

Krieg, Brigette. 2016. ‘Understanding the Role of Cultural Continuity in Reclaiming the Identity of Young Indigenous Women’. Girlhood Studies 9 (2): 28–45.

Jefferies, Daze. "Fish Trade Futures: Counter-Archives and Sex Worker Worlds at the Margins of St. John's Harbour." Journal of Folklore Research 60, no. 2 (2023): 67-94.

McCann, H. Queering femininity: Sexuality, feminism and the politics of presentation. Routledge, 2018.

Munford, Rebecca. "‘Wake Up and Smell the Lipgloss’ Gender, Generation and the (A) politics of Girl Power." In Third wave feminism: A critical exploration, pp. 266-279. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2007.

Muñoz, José Esteban. Disidentifications: Queers Of Color And The Performance Of Politics. Minneapolis: Univ Of Minnesota Press, 1999.

Paris, Leslie. "Fifty shades of fandom: the intergenerational permeability of Twilight fan culture." An Intergenerational Feminist Media Studies. Routledge, 2019. 122-136.

Patterson, Ashley, et al. "Black feminist thought as methodology: Examining intergenerational lived experiences of Black women." Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 5.3 (2016): 55-76.

Pérez, Michelle Salazar, and Eloise Williams. "Black feminist activism: Theory as generating collective resistance." Multicultural Perspectives 16.3 (2014): 125-132.

Pomerantz, Shauna, and Miriam Field. "Watching TikTok, feeling feminism: Intergenerational flows of feminist knowledge." TikTok cultures in the United States. Routledge, 2022. 61-71.

Purvis, Jennifer. "Grrrls and women together in the third wave: Embracing the challenges of intergenerational feminism (s)." Nwsa Journal (2004): 93-123.

Rampton, Martha. "Four waves of feminism." Pacific University Oregon 25 (2015): 1-10.

Raphael-Leff, Joan. "Contemporary views on femininity, gender, and generative identity." In On Freud's Femininity, pp. 56-78. Routledge, 2018.

Raphael‐Leff, Joan. "Femininity and its unconscious ‘shadows’: Gender and generative identity in the age of biotechnology." British Journal of Psychotherapy 23, no. 4 (2007): 497-515.

Rice, C. “Becoming ‘“the Fat Girl”’: Acquisition of an Unfit Identity.” Women’s Studies International Forum 30, no. 2 (March 1, 2007): 158–74. doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2007.01.001.

Schwartz, Andi. “Low Femme.” Feral Feminisms 7, no. 1 (2018): 5–14.

Senyonga, Mary. “Reading and Affirming Alternatives in the Academy.” Essay. In Thickening Fat: Fat Bodies, Intersectionality, and Social Justice, edited by May Friedman, Carla Rice, and Jennifer Rinaldi, 219–29. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019.

Springer, Kimberly. "Third wave black feminism?" Signs: Journal of women in culture and society 27.4 (2002): 1059-1082.

Thornham, Helen, and Angela McFarlane. "Cross-generational gender constructions. Women, teenagers and technology." The Sociological Review 59, no. 1 (2011): 64-85.

Torres, Rose Ann. 2011. ‘Indigenous Spirituality, Activism and Feminism in the Life of My Mother’. Canadian Woman Studies 29 (1–2): 135–39.

Walker, Lisa. "The future of femme: Notes on femininity, aging and gender theory." Sexualities 15, no. 7 (2012): 795-814.

White, Michele. Producing women: The Internet, traditional femininity, queerness, and creativity. Routledge, 2015.


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